Client companies have the opportunity to lease space and choose the best path to fit their needs from the suite of services within the Beeline to Commercialization program, including Business Advisory Mentors, capital assistance, Experts-in-Residence, and Pitch Prep assessments. Clients also benefit from numerous networking opportunities, business development programming and seminars, access to defense-contracting resources, and more.
Upon submission of a client inquiry form, an OU INC staff member will contact the potential client to evaluate his/her company stage and needs. This conversation is meant as a mutual determining factor, as OU INC should be the best fit for the client and vice versa. If determined to be a good fit, the potential client meets in a more formal setting with the client strategist. OU INC's Beeline to Commercialization program is entirely customizable to meet the exact needs of the client company, so the best path to success is determined by both parties.
Business Advisory Mentors provide client companies with counsel and constructive recommendations on key business decisions and milestones. They also provide assistance in connecting clients to key resources within the region and community. Business Advisory Mentor volunteers are required to sign OU INC’s Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement.
The Experts-in-Residence (EIR) program supports clients with free services and consultation from local subject matter experts. EIR's are strategically selected to specifically meet client needs.
All startups need to deliver presentations, whether to a potential client, an investor, a banker or for one of Michigan’s many competitions. Pitch Prep provides a safe and comfortable environment in which to practice. These opportunities assist clients in delivering crisp and succinct presentations with confidence.
Oakland University Incubator programs have assisted client companies in garnering more than $168 million combined in follow-on funding to accelerate their businesses in the commercialization process. While assisting startups in determining the proper route of capital assistance, guidance includes suitably positioning companies to be qualified for one or more of the following: private funding, including private equity, the angel network, and venture capital, and/or public funding, including grants, pre-seed, micro-loans and venture match.
419 Golf View Lane
Rochester, MI 48309-4477
(location map)
(248) 648-4800
Fax: (248) 648-4799